jumping up and down on the bed like a kid; Me watching his dick flop around was definitely a treat.
He kept moving closer, swinging it close to my face like he wanted me to do something for him.  I hate distractions when I'm working.  But this was one distraction I didn't mind too much.
Did I help him out?...........Maybe.

(S1 Ep 1)

It was Saturday evening and Tommy decided he would host for the night  since he really enjoyed putting together fun events for the crew.  It would be the usual gang which consisted of Tommy and his boyfriend Rick.  There was the husband and wife couple James and Carol. There was Bill who is gay, single and had a major crush on Andre. Andre is the most reserved out of the group; fun to be around but often shy.

Tommy really liked hosting events especially for the straight couple because they were the first people on the block to invite them to dinner.

It had been a rough few months in the neighborhood with all the funny looks and stares they got being the only gay couple in the neighborhood.  It was refreshing to to have a couple of neighbors as open and friendly as James and Carol.  Besides James wasn't bad to look at either.

The gathering started around 8:00pm.  They ate pizza and drank beer and enjoyed each others company.  As the night moved along Carol asked, "Hey you guys have any games?"

"Damn! That's what I forgot to pick up today!" Tommy Exclaimed.

"How about cards?" Bill suggested.


Everyone pretty much came to that agreement.

"How about truth or dare," suggested  Rick.

"Eeew!” The crowd yelled in unison.

"Wait a minute! This might be fun! It would be a good way to get to know each other even better," Carol explained.

After a few minutes of coaxing they all agreed to play.

"Since you're so Gung Ho, Little Miss Thing you're first," Tommy said to Carol.


"Truth or Dare."

'Truth!" she shouted.

 "Did you fuck James on your first date?"

"Hell yeah! What kind of girl do you think I am?" She replied  sarcastically.

They all burst out in laughter.

She turned to Tommy, "O.K. Now your turn. Truth or Dare.”

"Truth," he replied.

Who takes it up the butt? You or Rick?"

Everyone started laughing hysterically and gave her hi fives for having the guts to go to that level; Even Rick who is very private about what goes on behind closed doors, laughed at that one despite turning red with embarrassment.  

Tommy looked at Rick turning beet red and quickly said, "No, no, no! Dare!"

Carol knew that Rick was getting squeamish about the topic and agreed to challenge Tommy to a dare instead.

"O.K. I dare you to eat this hot pepper."

  Everyone knows how much he hates hot peppers which caused major laughing and teasing from the dare.  Two bites into it and he was at the sink spiting while the rest of the gang were on the floor laughing.

"Oh you're so gonna get it for that one!"

"Bring it," she said with confidence.

"O.K. James: Truth or Dare?"


"Have you ever fucked Carol in the ass before?"


James actually felt somewhat paranoid because he had just engaged in anal with his wife the night before. 

Tommy said, "I will give you a break this time because Miss Thing was nice to me.  But you have to do the dare."

"O.K." James said with a nervous grin on his face.

Tommy got out the whipped cream, dipped his finger in it and challenged him, "lick it off. And not just lick it but suck it."

Hesitantly he cautiously licked closing his eyes.

"Suck it!" Tommy shouted.

Embarrassingly he began to suck on his finger.

His wife looked on in both shock and amusement.

Eager to get revenge James picked Tommy's partner Rick.

"Rick! Truth or dare!"

Rick chose,"Truth."

"Rick is there someone here that has a crush on someone else?"

Rick knew that he was referring to Bill having a crush on Andre. He also knew that by asking that question; it would give away that he accidentally shared that information with him about the crush. 

Rick walked to the refrigerator, got an orange crush out, put the can on  Tommy's shoulder and said, "Yes, someone does have a crush on somebody."

“Boooo!” They all chanted. 


“Hey you asked a specific question. I gave a specific answer.” Rick replied.

After the truth challenge, Rick turned to Bill and said, "Truth or Dare."

Bill, being afraid that he would ask him if he liked Andre, decided to take the dare.

"I dare you to tongue kiss Andre for 60 seconds."

The crowd went crazy.  Everyone but Andre knew about the elephant in the room and now the challenge was on.

"Are you crazy!" Bill exclaimed.

"What?  I'm not good enough for you?" Andre snapped jokingly.

"No. its just.."

"Come on you know you want to," James yelled.

Just then Andre grabbed him by the waist and planted his lips on his.  Bill closed his eyes and opened his mouth to invite his tongue in.

As things heated up Andre reached around to grab his butt.  That kiss felt like it lasted 5 minutes.  At the 60 second point James yelled, "Time!"

At that point Bill said," Its getting late: Rick, can I get a ride home?

"I was planning on staying here tonight but sure."

Andre added,"You know, I can give you a ride.”

"No I can't put you out your way."

"It's no trouble at all!"

On the ride home there was total silence.

Andre parked the car, walked Bill to the door and asked, "Is everything O.K.with us?"

"Sure why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know. I just want to make sure that we're cool."

"Oh yes I'm just a little tired," Bill said. 

Bill then continued,"I do have one question.”


"When we kissed, you grabbed my butt." 

"Can I take a dare?"Andre joked nervously.

They both laughed.

"Well I've seen how good you look in your jeans.  I always thought you had a nice butt.  I figured this is my opportune time to get a grab......Sorry."

"Oh please! don't be sorry."

 Andre paused for a moment took a deep breath and said,"Truth or Dare."

"I think we stopped playing that about an hour ago."

"O.K. then I'm just going to go for a dare."

Andre walked up to Bill and grabbed his butt again and started kissing him.

Bill; nervous, said in a trembling voice, “Wow! I wasn’t expecting that Again!” 

“Is that alright,” Andre asked.

"There's a dare I've been wanting to do all night," Bill said.

"Then do it!"

 Bill cautiously lowered his hand and gently touched Andre's crotch. He squeezed gently, filling his hands with a semi erect bulge.

"Well. It's getting late maybe I better get out of here before something happens," Andre said.

"You don't have to leave. You can come in for awhile if you like."

"Well maybe for a little bit," Andre said with a smirk.

They both smiled as Bill opened the door.

(To Be Continued)

About Me

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The Male Casting Couch is my journey as an artist to capture the beauty, masculinity and eroticism that makes a man who he is. The models I photograph are real men with real lives. I love hearing your thoughts opinions and suggestions. I look forward to sharing my journey and experiences with you. To get in contact with me you can reach me at Thanks for stopping by.