It has been awhile.  Due to a recent medical procedure I took some time off.  I am recovering nicely and I am expected to be twerking and doing the splits in about two months or so. I just can't moonwalk or drop it like it's hot right now. But I'll leave that for the one and only Mistress. I'll have my people get with your people at the Casa. :-)

Well tomorrow is the big day.  But as much as I am concerned for what the results of the election in Georgia will be, I just know I gotta keep going.  

Scruffy ain't gonna lie.  I'm done with it for now.  Between being out of work with my main job due to my procedure and not working my photography because of Covid; my finances are shot and I can't even sell my ass in the Tenderloin until well, you know.  If I can't shake my ass to twerk I sure as hell ain't going to be able to do anything else!

All jokes aside. It's pretty tough right now.  And I believe my story is nothing unique in this climate we're in. 

Even during the last few weeks of November's election I spent lots and lots and I mean lots of money supporting our NEW PRESIDENT ELECT AND VICE PRESIDENT ELECT as well as many other important causes.  Do I regret doing it? No because I felt it just had to be done. Do I have a VERY bitter taste in my mouth about it? Hell fucking yeah I do! I am not a rich man. I don't have a lucrative career.  I am currently struggling to keep my head above water.  So now every time I get some bullshit call of how "We need your support," I hang up on those motherfuckers! 

I will continue to support rightful causes. But not to the point that has fueled this unquenchable fire.  

I definitely have to say to all those out there in the fight; FIGHT ON! BUT also don't be so consumed with current events that it effects your mental health, happiness and financial stability. We have Miss Rona for that shit!

Last but not least I have to give a personal shout out to a true friend and a TRUE ally LUKE

I am a Black man. (You guys know this already.)  But it is important for me to say this because as part of the majority you will NEVER experience the discrimination, oppression, or subtle comments with racist undertones like I have and continue to experience.

Out of all of the White people I have chatted with Luke is the ONLY person who has said anything close to "Even though I was brought up in a progressive household there are things that never occurred to me that is a big issue."

I often hear people say,  "I wasn't raise to be racist. It just isn't tolerated in my house!" But what people don't understand is by saying that is just as bad as saying "You can't teach me anything about racism because I'm not racist."  NEWFLASH! Being born into a system that automatically allows you privilege over another group of people as well as society, media and eduction being geared toward the advancement of one group over other groups is something that is subliminally imbedded in White America's psyche.

Even unintentional racism is racism. And it is something that needs to be and CAN be unlearned.
It is very simple. When a Black person points something out that may not seem harmful to you, instead of saying, "I think you're being a little sensitive," or "I don't have a prejudice bone in my body!" instead ask "What makes you feel that way" or "What makes you say that?" And before thinking of a "But" or "I see what you're saying but," really meditate on what the person is saying.

Because Luke was receptive enough to listen to my point of view of a certain topic; he had a totally new perspective of what I was conveying. (sorry to put you on the spot like that. It was just an amazing moment for me that I felt brought us much closer.)

Wow! That turned serious for a moment! It may be a while but I will be back to posting when I'm feeling more energy. I'll share more about my procedure later on nothing big.  But for now.

Vi amo tutti. Rimanga sicuro. Ciao

I hope I got the correct translation. Trying real hard to impress my Italian brothers in the house. You know who you are!



  1. Hope you are feeling all better and back on the mend soon... keep strong, stay healthy, stay safe.

  2. Glad to hear you're good, buddy. 👍🏻

    Have a great year! 😉

  3. Glad to hear you're okay.
    I get you. With all of it. From the "asks" those politicians send multiple times a day to the whole racism things. I have Black friends, I have Black relatives, and I see and hear their struggles. Simple observation has taught me more than I ever imagined.
    Stay strong, Mark. Get mended. Stay safe and stay healthy.

  4. Wow! What a lot of content to absorb!

    I have missed your more frequent posts, but given the political climate and pandemic, it would only be reasonable for anyone to take an absence from one’s blog…but a medical procedure as well! I am so glad to hear you are on the mend! :-)

    …and thank you so much for the shout out…your words made my day. I am very pleased to have elicited such a positive response from you. Your friendship means a lot to me, and I am constantly learning and being inspired by your work, both images and words. I think lifelong learning and keeping an open mind are essential attributes; only a fool does not pursue this path (and I know we can think of one not-to-be-named that more than meets this definition…including the infliction of much societal damage).

    Looking forward to continued growth and accomplishments in this coming year, my friend. All my very best for a happy and healthy new year

  5. My dear dear friend. I cannot agree with you more. This country is RACIST in many many different ways. It all started after the Mayflower, the building of the 9 settlements, please forgive me if I sound vague. This country was founded under a "White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants" concept. As such these "pilgrims" had come here to escape England from the Catholic religion and the Pope. It was not until the early 1800's that people such as other Europeans, including Catholics, Jews, etc Asians were finally "welcomed" in this country. Very unfortunately blacks came here not as people but merchandise. Slavery ended in 1862-? but another slavery worse and more painful was started and continued/nues I suppose to the present. SO WHAT TO DO ? Police as a unity are there to protect ALL of us. I have been in the US most of my life and never do I remember hearing or reading a police officer was kind enough to do this.. they have a job to do. If I(anyone..) come to you a police officer with a challenging attitude, perhaps thinking of you as a MF simply because I think of you as my enemy and perhaps through my hands at you, call you names, or if not me my pal, my next person then things can and will get serious. I may get a knife in my stomach, a kick in the nuts or the same to you. That is not the answer. MOB DISORDER whenever an opposite party guy wins such as the second Bush against Gore is not the answer. What is happening 10 miles away from me in DC is not the answer. Destruction or removal of historical monuments is not the answer. The answer if for the so-called American People who I call simply US Citizen, and that is ALL PEOPLE citizens and non to realize the America of Today is one who is multi-faceted as never before, people of different walks of life, asian, black, different political affiliation gay, poor, rich, straight and finally disabled people and every one counts. Each and everyone of us is of VALUE not just to her/himself but to others. Then and only then things can calm down to rationally TRY to come to terms. If my only concern is my ass then I may just as well get out of the way. Yes dear Casting Couch blacks had and still have in many ways the short hand of the stick, but to settle scores WE cannot just grab a gun and shoot at the first bastard or bitch that comes OUR way simply because he/she is there and WE have the power in OUR hands. Many people here have finally started to see the light only after 1965 when President Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Commission. It was finally illegal to discriminate against a person on the basis of race, sex, country of origin. I am almost 70 years old and have seen it all. I am able to compare and contrast my old country and my new adoptive one. In many many ways things here are better, but not in others. Just like a certain illness occurs suddenly it may take a long time for things to improve, get fixed.
    I want to wish you the very best of a quick recovery, and to be able to resume your activities as a photographer.
    I really hope someone can and will answer me.

    1. Dear Tony this is really unprecedented times we are living in. Thank you for your point of view. We definitely need change in this count because this is really crazy. Yes Blacks have gotten the the short hand of the stick. But our agenda is not for “revenge” or to “settle the score.” Our mission is to be treated as equal. To have the same privilege and opportunity as whites. And to be policed the same way. But our struggle is not isolated. Let’s not forget those who was here long before us all; the Native American. Man I can write an essay on that issue. But with every I wish you well. And I wish you happiness. We often wish each other well but it is equally important to wish each other happiness. So there it is Brother. So for now I say Ciao. We will definitely keep I touch my sexy friend.

  6. Mark:
    FYI. The statement in Italian was impressive. I am proud of you. Arrivederci a presto.


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The Male Casting Couch is my journey as an artist to capture the beauty, masculinity and eroticism that makes a man who he is. The models I photograph are real men with real lives. I love hearing your thoughts opinions and suggestions. I look forward to sharing my journey and experiences with you. To get in contact with me you can reach me at Thanks for stopping by.