Today’s Post is a medley of posts from the Daddy Scruff blog as well as other autobiographical sex writers.
HAIRY CHESTED DADDY recalls a day of a 32 year old Scruff getting a work out by a sexy 45 year old Hairy Chested Daddy.
Still a post that always hits home is A PICTURE WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS which discusses the ugly truths and scars dealing with how certain people are perceived in the gay culture and it’s subcultures.
MR. STEED has a new post out. It is a touching call of a young boy who has somewhat mastered the charge to be the fantasy chameleon to all of his male admirers and understanding his role despite his certain concerns for a client with a unique thirst. HIS COY MISTRESS is out now.
Also check out A MAN CALLED MOTHER a very touching post . I will just say every gay man should experience having a Mother as such.
Till next time!